Progress Chef Wikipedia

If you are looking for commercial support, it might make sense to enroll an online or even in person training course. If you need a proof of proficiency with either tool, both companies offer relevant services towards certification. An organization with many developers who understand the workings of the Ruby programming language might need to adopt the Chef tool, as it’s written in Ruby.

Chef Infra automatically checks all servers and applications under its control and prevents drifts in the configuration by automatically applying the correct states universally. Let us now begin this Chef tutorial by understanding about configuration management. Configuration management is a collection of engineering practices that provides a systematic way to manage all of the entities required for efficient deployment. Chef can manage a variety of node types, including servers, cloud virtual machines, network devices and containers. The tool is intended to enable developers and IT operations professionals to work together to deploy applications on IT infrastructure.

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In Puppet, you create manifests and modules, while in Chef you deal with recipes and cookbooks. Manifests and recipes usually describe single resources while modules and cookbooks describe the more general concepts (a LAMP server running your application, for instance). To automate configurations for deployment, Chef Infra defines infrastructure as code. This makes the policies flexible, testable and versionable while remaining human-readable.

The workbook sends the cookbook to the Chef server with the use of a Knife. By using this command-line tool, the nodes then communicate with the Chef server. In case there are any kind of changes made to infrastructure code, all of those changes must be passed through the server to apply them onto the nodes. Chef Server is the key to enable fluid communication amongst all the devices embedded within the workplace infrastructure. Choosing between Chef and Terraform may be tough, especially if you are new. As discussed above, both the DevOps configuration management tools, Chef and Terraform, are unique in their distinctive way.


InSpec also provides a way for IT organizations to discover what is currently deployed and how, which helps security professionals ensure that deployments comply with regulations. Chef is an agent-based tool wherein chef-client pulls the configuration information for the managed node from Chef Server. The chef-client installs on every node to execute the actual configuration, and it uses the Ruby programming language.

Chef Infra is also customizable using simple declarative definitions for administration tasks. Master Devices are specified as the location where the changes are chef devops certification initiated, updates are created, or records are maintained. This information that is attained by the dedicated workstations is passed onto the Chef Server.

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A user can share cookbooks on GitHub or in the Chef Supermarket, both of which enable other Chef users to use and manage their own versions of those cookbooks. Agent-based configuration management pulls information from a central repository, Chef Server, in a model that overcomes poor network connectivity and enables flexible update rollouts. Puppet provides a standard way of delivering and operating software, no matter where it runs.

  • It is a culture to promote the development and operation process collectively.
  • With this flavor, a hosted remote server communicates between the workstation and node.
  • For example, a Chef user can test their deployment on a laptop or VM environment before it goes to a live production infrastructure.
  • DevOps represents a change in the IT culture with a complete focus on rapid IT service delivery through the adoption of agile practices in the context of a system-oriented approach.
  • The keyword being “State.” In 2020, the servers no longer have state.

Recipes and cookbooks are the heart of the configuration management. They are written using the Ruby programming language, however, the domain specific language used by Chef is designed to be able to be understood by everyone. As the configuration is just code it can be tested and it can be version controlled. This means that there is less downtime, more reliable services and less stressed people on both the dev and ops sides.

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